BLOGS, the content-rich, comprehensive, multidisciplinary art and culture website supporting the art scene in San Francisco and beyond since 2000. Thu, 09 May 2024 16:09:32 +0000 Joomla! 1.5 - Open Source Content Management en-gb John Trippe on The Creative Lives "Passionate and humble, John Trippe created a website to share his photos and art in 2000, what ended up happening was the creation and curation of a successful art sharing template that would inspire an entire movement online.

John moved to San Francisco to pursue skateboarding and art. Before long he was publishing his own art 'zine called Fecal Face, and when digital publishing when in its infancy he released The website would go on to spread art across 50,000 unique visitors a day and inspire generations on how you can adapt to do what you love on your own terms.

Fecal Face celebrated it's 10 Year anniversary at The Luggage Store Gallery, a location he had been inspired by as a young art fan in San Francisco. In this episode we follow John as prepare for the blowout group show and reflect on the website's past and future."

I am more than honored to be included in the 2nd season of the series, The Creative Lives, featuring a slew of talented folks like Barry McGee, Jeremy Fish, Richard Coleman, Futura, Mike Giant, Cleon Peterson, Tiffany Bozic, The Date Farmers, and so many others.

I may have stepped away from Fecal Face for the time being, but when the dust settles, I'll be back. In the meantime, check for updates from the road.

]]> (Trippe) ClipODay Thu, 12 Nov 2015 19:26:35 +0000
Mike Giant - The Creative Lives The Creative Lives releases their first short for their second season on seasoned Mike Giant!

]]> (Trippe) ClipODay Mon, 17 Aug 2015 16:39:35 +0000
Ferris Plock: Inside Voices "Inside Voices. The two opposing sides of the brain often are in conflict with each other. Their two distinct points of view often collide with a compromise coming only when blood has been spilled and beers have been opened." —Ferris Plock

This video project was originally part of an installation to accompany Kelly Tunstall and Ferris Plock's work in their third solo show with the gallery entitled “Inside Voices”. The opening reception was held on Friday, April 24th at FFDG 2277 Mission Street, San Francisco, CA.

Music: Thee Oh See's | Night Crawler | Floating Coffin

]]> (Trippe) ClipODay Tue, 05 May 2015 15:58:20 +0000
"Mr. Wrong" by Male Gaze Our buddy Adam Cimino of The Mall fame (and being a rad dude fame) has recently joined forces with Mark Kaiser to form the band Male Gaze. Below is a recent from the new album.

Male Gaze is playing in SF on March 24th at the Makeout Room and heading to: Portland, Seattle and Boise.

]]> (Trippe) ClipODay Tue, 24 Mar 2015 20:32:32 +0000
"Feelings" by Nate Milton Nate Milton emailed us his new short last month and just got around to checking it out. Ya, no wonder it's a staff pick. Great work, Nate, and thanks for the heads up.

For three weeks, I wrote down any thought, image or memory that gave me a tingly feeling. I animated the list, and what it accidentally became was a stream-of-consciousness trek through my life --- This is the trailer to my brain.

Nate has emailed us his other great videos.

]]> (Trippe) ClipODay Tue, 10 Mar 2015 15:28:10 +0000
The Ballad of Taco Johnny

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90s Skateboarding in San Francisco Footage I've been going through some old footage I, John Trippe, filmed in the late 90s/early 2000s here in San Francisco and will be releasing it a bunch of it in the coming weeks.

Footage features all kinds of people from Cairo Foster, Kenny Reed, Ocean Howell, Rob Welsh, and a slew of other pros you will probably recognize from old skate videos like 411, Thrasher and others including a load of footage that didn't make it anywhere... Below is a little taste of what's to come.

]]> (Trippe) ClipODay Wed, 25 Feb 2015 17:42:13 +0000
Hail Mary Mallon - 4AM Check the new video for Hail Mary Mallon (Aesop Rock and Rob Sonic)... Way to go Bram, Henry Gunderson, Gerald (Kid Yellow who filmed and edited it), Mississippi Joe and others who are in the video. Nice work, Gerald.

]]> (Trippe) ClipODay Tue, 03 Feb 2015 23:46:00 +0000
XLarge's "Action Suit" featuring John C. Reilly Was thinking about XLarge the other day and was reminded of this video from '97 featuring a young John C. Reilly.

]]> (Trippe) ClipODay Thu, 22 Jan 2015 17:14:51 +0000
"The Fake Case", film on Chinese artist and activist Ai Wei Wei BAY AREA --- In both SF and Berkeley from May 23rd to 29th, the Landmark Theaters will be showing The Fake Case, a new documentary about famous Chinese artist and activist Ai Wei Wei.

If you’ve somehow missed the drama surrounding Wei Wei, he has been harassed by Chinese authorities for a supposed “subversion of state power” because of his internet postings. This documentary specifically focuses on another charge against him, this time for $2.1 million in tax evasion through his company Fake Ltd. It follows him quietly and intimately with his family during his home arrest and then builds to discuss some of his art works in the context of his involvement with Chinese authorities.

I highly suggest getting to one of these screenings, watching this film is an invigorating and powerful example of the influence one person can have, even in the harshest political environment imaginable. In his own words, Wei Wei says, “Political artists aren’t real artists. I’m not a political artist. I’m just political.” Whatever he may consider it, the work of Ai Wei Wei is a prime example of both art and activism, and we Americans might take a cue from him.

]]> (Rachel Ralph) ClipODay Wed, 21 May 2014 17:20:50 +0000